The real trick here is just knowing which targets are the right targets for your guns. “If you only need to strip a few wounds off your target to finish the job, consider small-arms fire instead, as most are Damage 1 and will be unaffected by Ramshackle.” Krak, Melta, and specific Plasma options are better to deal with them (you know, things with Strength 8 or more). Autocannons are going to be wasted for the most part on them. It makes them a bit tougher to deal with than in the previous incarnation. Ramshackle got a tweak in the new Ork book. Suggestion 3: “Watch Out for Ramshackle Vehicles” Having said that, unless you’re playing a Melee heavy army (as in that’s what you do better than anyone) maybe try to avoid getting locked into melee with Orks. Toughness 5 is no joke and anything that tips your attacks over that threshold are going to be very important.

Either a re-roll to wound or something that adds +1 (or more) to your wound rolls. The real tip here is something most players are already taking into account anyhow and that is bringing buffs that assist with wounding. But this is something to consider for Melee. That said, it’s rare to get high strength attacks without some sort of AP. You might want more AP for some of those Mega-armored fellows, however. It’s a good call out that Strength of attacks is more important than AP of attacks – at least vs ork boyz. In fact, any dedicated melee units will often pierce straight through Ork armour anyway, so it’s all about finding ways to wound them more easily. “It’s worth noting that increasing the Strength of your attacks is more important than the AP of the weapons you’re using, as Orks are among the most lightly armoured factions. Suggestion 2: “Tool Up Properly for Melee” Strength 6, lots of shots, an a pinch of AP are going to do wonders vs orks. So strength 6 weapons are where you want to live. One thing to remember when packing those guns in you list is that Orks are now Toughness 5. If you can get into a gunline vs gunline firefight, you might be able to pull out ahead provided you’ve got the shots to do it.

Most armies can pack a lot of shooting in their lists now and it’s not like orks are known for their ranged accuracy. This is actually some good advice – if you’re army can do it. ” Squeeze as much firepower as you can into your army, and give those greenskins what for in the Shooting phase. Will they work and how effective are they? We’re going to dissect each one to find out. We ranked GW’s themed lists yesterday and today we’re taking a look at some Ork-counters direct from GW. Orks are here and they are ready to shake things up. But do they work? Let’s take a closer look and find out. Games Workshop has some “tips” on how to deal with Orks.